Holiday Inn
7800 S Kingery Highway (Route 83), Willowbrook, IL (630) 325-6400
Heat Pump Systems…Proven Technology for the 21st Century
Please join us to learn how ground source energy represents the ultimate in
comfort, savings and environmental stewardship for any structure, new
construction or retrofit.
5:45 -
6:15 pm
Social Hour & Networking in the
Holiday Atrium
6:15 -
7:00 pm
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Beattie, Rockford Geothermal, will discuss ground source energy systems that
reduce your utility bills and
dramatically lower the life cycle costs of any structure.
These systems average over 400% efficiency (COP) andsave up to 50% or more on heating, cooling,
and hot water costs. Please
To make
reservations email Norm Hansen at or call 630 587-5665 by Tuesday, September 25, 2007.
The cost is $ 20.00 that will be collected at the meeting.