Holiday Inn
7800 S Kingery Highway (Route 83), Willowbrook, IL (630) 325-6400
Electrical System Maintenance to Achieve Maximum Efficiency
Please join us for an in-depth look at what it takes to maintain a plant or
large building electrical system. Electrical testing methods and
procedures will be covered as will important factors in achieving and
maintaining energy efficiency.
5:45 -
6:15 pm
Social Hour & Networking in the
Holiday Atrium
6:15 -
7:00 pm
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Doug Christianson Principal Energy
Management and Testing. will be discussing plant electrical system maintenance to
achieve maximum efficiency.
To make reservations by calling Larry Guzy at (815) 540-0550 by
Monday, Sepember 25, 2006 along with your choice of
Beef or Chicken. Special menu requests should
be directed to Marsha at the Holliday Inn Willowbrook (630) 325-6400. The cost is
$ 20.00, which will be collected at the meeting.