Holiday Inn
7800 S Kingery Highway (Route 83), Willowbrook, IL (630) 325-6400
Gas Pricing and Market Trends
Be sure to attend this month's informative AEE
Chapter meeting on natural gas to learn the historical perspective of
natural gas pricing, reasons for the current market volatility, and get a
glimpse into the future of natural gas prices. The meeting is going to be a
valuable for your business.
5:45 -
6:15 pm
Social Hour & Networking in the
Holiday Atrium
6:15 -
7:00 pm
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Jim Brett, Director of Sales for Peoples
Energy Services, will be providing a historical perspective of natural gas,
giving reasons for the current market volatility, and sharing a glimpse
ahead. He will be citing "expert" projections and his own informed opinion.
To make reservations by email Larry Guzy or call (815) 540-0550
by Monday, March 20, 2006 along with your choice of
Beef or Chicken. Special menu requests
should be directed to Marsha at the Holliday Inn Willowbrook (630)
325-6400. The cost is
$ 20.00, which will be collected at the meeting.