Holiday Inn
7800 S Kingery Highway (Route 83), Willowbrook, IL (630) 325-6400
Concrete Homes/Structures
Learn more about this amazing product at
the AEE Chicago Chapter meeting. Precast concrete homes/structures are relative newcomers
to the US building construction industry, although they have been in use in
Europe for some time.
5:30 -
6:00 pm
Social Hour & Networking
6:00 -
7:00 pm
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Brian Bock,
Director of Marketing, DuKane Precast, will discuss
the benefits of using precast over conventional
construction, including reduced construction time frames, great insulating value,
sound-deadening and structural rigidity. The products can be cast with
brick, stone or wood-effect finishes.
To make reservations, email Norm
Hansen by Wednesday, January 22nd. The cost is
$ 30.00, which will be collected at the meeting.