Holiday Inn,
7800 S Kingery Highway (Route 83), Willow Brook, IL (630) 325-6400
Program: AEE Chicago Chapter
Awards Banquet
October is Energy Awareness Month. AEE Chicago Chapter takes this
opportunity to recognize professional engineers, managers, and organizations for
their outstanding achievements over the past year. We encourage members to
bring their spouses, associates, and friends to join the celebration.
5:45 -
6:15 pm
Social Hour and Networking in Holiday Atrium
6:15 -
7:00 pm
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Larry L. Guzy,
Honeywell National Energy Solutions will be speaking on
Measurement & Verification: International Performance Measurement
and Verification Protocol (IPMVP). The protocol ensures the financial
success of Energy Performance Contracts.
Norm Hansen,
AEE Chicago Chapter President, will present the Energy Awards
Executive of
the Year
Robert J. Conway
Charles Equipment Company
Corporate Energy Management Kankakee Community College
Kankakee, Illinois
Charles B. Morin Jr.
or call 630 587 5665 by Tuesday, October 21, 2008. The cost is $ 25.00, which will be
collected at the meeting. Please see the enclosed map for the location of the