Chicago Charter Chapter
Professional Development Program







Local Events



Energy Plan


Radiation Beneficial & Harmful Effects
Thursday evening, January 23, 2014

Francesca's Restuarant
641 E. Boughton Road, Suite 505 • Bolingbrook, IL 60440 • 630-739-6300

Program: The AEE Chicago Charter cordially invites you, your associates, and friends to learn about  beneficial and harmful effects of radiation from the world's foremost expert  on radiation.

6:00 pm to 6:30 pm

Social Hour & Networking (Cash bar)

6:30 pm to 7:00 pm

Dinner, Refreshments and Social hour

7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Raphael Lee, University of Chicago, will be discussing the beneficial and harmful effects of radiation. You will learn about

  • Beneficial effects of radiation from the Sun 

  • Beneficial natural background radiation from the Earth. 

  • Medical uses of the radiation to diagnose and treatment diseases

  • Radiation used to destroy bacteria and virus in the foods that we eat. 

  • Harmful radiation caused by nuclear power plants accidents in the United States, Russia and Japan. 

From centuries of research, radiation has nature beneficial effects. And replacing fossil power plants with clean power plants can drastically reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Awardees will receive dinner, beautiful engraved plaque, and one Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credit. People attending the meeting can receive one Professional Development Hour (PDH).  


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