Holiday Inn
7800 S Kingery Highway (Route 83), Willow Brook, IL (630) 325-6400
Deregulation in Illinois: Where do we go from here?
The AEE Chicago Chapter, in conjunction with IEEE Chicago Section, Fox Valley
Sub-Section, are cordially invite you to attend the meeting.
5:30 - 6:15 pm
Social Hour & Networking
6:15 -
7:00 pm
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Krstulovich, Fermilab will be the Moderator
Presentations by distinguished panelists:
- Steven H. Baab, Manager Technical Services. ComEd
- Kavita Maini, Principal, Envise Inc
- Jim Brett, Director of Sales, Peoples Energy Services
Followed by questions and answers
To make reservations, email Steve
Krstulovich by Tuesday, May 20th. The cost is
$30.00, which will be collected at the meeting. Map
to Holiday Inn